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Safe Driving Tips for Teens

Do you have a teenager in your household who is learning to drive or a newly licensed driver? Follow these driving safety tips for teens to help keep them safe on the road, especially when you’re not there to supervise their behind-the-wheel behavior.

Enroll Your Teen in a Safe Driving...

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Is an Electric Car Right for You?

Electric vehicles are increasing in popularity lately. Have you considered getting one? Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars, so you can decide if owning one is right for you.

Great for the planet

There’s no doubt — electric vehicles are better for the environment. They...

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Keep Water from Going Where it Shouldn't

One of the most disheartening experiences is to find flooding or extreme water damage to your treasured home.

We know you want to protect what's important. That's why we're offering these tips to help you prevent many of the most common causes of water damage.

Just a little time...

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Essential Safety Tips for Nighttime Boating

If you own a Boat (or better yet, as the joke goes, you know someone with a boat), you’ve probably thought about spending some evenings on the water — especially in the summertime.

It’s a great thought, of course. But, when you’re boating after dark, you need to think...

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Tornadoes - Bracing for Impact

Tornadoes represent one of the world’s most common and dangerous natural disasters due to their relatively high occurrence rates, significant material damages, and fatalities. While studies suggest that certain areas of the U.S. are more prone to tornadoes than others (think “Tornado Alley” which represents the Great Plains in the central region including...

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What Does Home Insurance Cover?

Protecting Your Home Sweet Home

Buying a home is one of the biggest and most important decisions you will make in your life. Along with buying a home comes the responsibility of protecting it and your family. That's where home insurance comes in. But what does...

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There’s no place like home – and it’s yours, so make sure you protect it. Few weather events can cause sudden, widespread damage like a tornado. From broken tree limbs and flying debris to houses lifted from their foundations, these violent storms are sometimes powerful enough to destroy entire neighborhoods...

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4 Tips to Enjoy Your Backyard Safely This Summer

With summer back in full swing, it’s time to have some backyard fun – especially since many people are spending a lot of time together at home. And summer may not feel complete without the classic backyard barbecue and poolside party.

However, to make sure there are...

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How To Change a Flat Tire

No matter how carefully you drive, you can get a flat tire at any time, so it’s best to be prepared. Sure, cellphones make help more accessible, but you don’t want to be caught with no reception and no way of changing your tire.

Fortunately, changing a tire is...

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How to Choose and Place a Fire Extinguisher

Having a fire extinguisher in your home is a good idea — it could save your life in the unfortunate event of a fire. With many options to choose from, how do you know which one to buy? The first thing to understand is that different types of fire extinguishers...

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